Lights and Tools in the Hiking and Camping category have been carefully sorted out to the best of our knowledge and feedback. These Lights and Tools are some high quality stuff that will last a very long time and will serve the purpose. These make great tools and gifts to Backpackers and Adventurers.
Stock Status: Out Of Stock
Nitecore NTK05 Feather Weight Titanium EDC Keychain Knife - 35° Blade Edge | 2.17" Folded Length | 4.8 gms With a rising number of foldable scalpels entering the market, Nitecore's NTK05 aims to be a cut above the rest. Compact is the name of the game, and with a 2.17" folded and 3.82..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU05 KIT LED Headlamp for Runners, Hikers, Backpackers, DIYers and Photographers
- Extremely light weight, USB Rechargeable, Inbuilt battery(120mah)- Micro USB Port for Internal Recharging of inbuilt battery (USB cable included)- 1 White Brightness mode + 1 White Blinking mode + 3 Red Blin..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU05 LE - Rechargeable Lightweight Mini Signal Headlamp, Red, Green, Blue and White Outputs
Nitecore NU05 LE LED Headlamp / Signal Light for Runners, Hikers, Backpackers, DIYers, Photographers and Law Enforcement Personal
- Extremely light weight, USB Rechargeable, Inbuilt battery(120mah)- Micro USB Port for Internal Recharging of inbuilt battery (USB cable included)- Modes: White F..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU20 Classic Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable LED Headlamp with Dual Beam, Feather-Light with Glow in the Dark and Reflective Headband
- Built For Trail Running for Runners, Hikers, Backpackers, DIY Work- Tailor made Headband that is both Reflective and Glows in the Dark - Auxiliar..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU21 Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable LED Headlamp with Dual Beam, Feather-Light (Neutral White Output), With Glow in the Dark and Reflective Headband
- Built For Trail Running for Runners, Hikers, Backpackers, DIY Work- Tailor made Headband that both reflective and Glows in the Dark&nb..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU25 400L Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable LED Headlamp with Dual Beam, Feather-Light (Neutral White Output)
- Built For Trail Running for Runners, Hikers, Backpackers, DIY Work
- Extremely light weight, USB-C Rechargeable, in-built 650mAh Battery
- USB-C Port for Interna..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU25 UL Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable LED Headlamp with Dual Beam (Neutral White Output), with Reflective and Glow in the Dark Band
- Built For Trail Running for Runners, Hikers, Backpackers, DIY Work
- Extremely light weight, USB-C Rechargeable, in-built 650mAh Battery ..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU27 - USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp, Multiple Outputs - Multi-Color Temperatures (600 Lumens, in-built 850mAh Li-ion Battery)First in the Industry Multi Color Temperature Headlamp with Cool White, Neutral White and Warm White adjustable outputs
Features: - Max output of 600 lumens- ..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU30 2025 UHE Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp, Built-in 1500mah Battery, Triple Outputs
Features: - Max output of 500 lumens- Utilizes ultra high efficiency 4-core UHE LED- Equipped with a primary white light (Color Temperature: 6,000K), a high CRI auxiliary whi..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU31 Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp, Built-in 1800mah Battery, Triple Output
- Extremely light weight, Built For Trail Running for Runners, Hikers, Backpackers, DIY Work
- USB-C Port for Internal Recharging of 1800mah in-Built Battery (USB-C cable included)
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU40 Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp, Built-in 1000mah Battery, Safety Sensor for Proximity
- Extremely light weight, Built For Trail Running for Runners, Hikers, Backpackers, DIY Work
- USB-C Port for Internal Recharging of 2600mah in-Built Battery (USB-C cab..
Stock Status: Available
Nitecore NU53 - USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp, Industrial Headlamp (1800 Lumens, in-built 6000mAh Li-ion Battery)
Features: - Max output of 1,800 lumens- Utilizes ultra high efficiency UHE LED- Equipped with a primary white light (Color Temperature: 6,000K), a high CRI auxiliary white l..