Lights and Tools in the Hiking and Camping category have been carefully sorted out to the best of our knowledge and feedback. These Lights and Tools are some high quality stuff that will last a very long time and will serve the purpose. These make great tools and gifts to Backpackers and Adventurers.
Stock Status: Available
Ultrafire 502B - CREE XM-L T6 LED Flashlight Black Color - 1200 Lumens,
- Powered by 1x18650 Battery - 3 Brightness levels, Strobe, SOS
Batteries and charger not included. If you need the batteries and charger as well, checkout the combo listing&n..
Stock Status: Available
Ultrafire A100 - CREE XM-L T6 LED Flashlight Black Color - 1200 Lumens,
- Powered by 1x18650 Battery - 3 Brightness levels, Strobe, SOS - with Adjustable Focus (Zoom)
Batteries and charger not included. If you need the batteries and charger as well, ch..
Stock Status: Available
Ultrafire A100 SET - CREE XM-L T6 LED Flashlight Black Color - 1200 Lumens,
- Powered by 1x18650 Battery - 3 Brightness levels, Strobe, SOS - with Adjustable Focus (Zoom)
Set Includes:
1. Ultrafire A100 XM-L T6 Zoom Flashlight2. 1x S..
Stock Status: Available
Ultrafire C11 Q5 LED Flashlight Silver Color - 370 Lumens,
- Powered by 1x18650 Battery - 3 Brightness levels, Strobe, SOS
Batteries and charger not included. If you need the batteries and charger as well, checkout the combo listing for Ultrafire C11
₹1,499 ₹2,500
Stock Status: Available
Ultrafire C12 - XM-L2 U3 LED Flashlight Black Color - 1800 Lumens
- Powered by 1x18650 Battery - 3 Brightness levels + Strobe + SOS- Lightorati Estimated Lumens for the U3 C12 would be about 950-1000 Lumens
Batteries and charger not included. If you need th..
Stock Status: Available
Ultrafire C12 - XM-L2 U3 LED Flashlight SET - Black Color - 1800 Lumens,
- Powered by 1x18650 Battery - 3 Brightness levels + Strobe + SOS- Lightorati Estimated Lumens for the U3 C12 would be about 950-1000 Lumens
Set Includes:
1. Ultrafire C12 XM-..
Stock Status: Temporarily Out Of Stock
Ultrafire C8 - 1000 Lumens Light - Powered by 1x18650 Batteries - 3 Brightness levels, Strobe, SOS
if you need the batteries and charger as well, checkout the combo deal for Ultrafire C8.
Ultrafire C8 available in 1-mode and 5-modes options. You can chose your option from ..
Stock Status: Available
Ultrafire SK68 Flashlight - Adjustable Focus Zoom - 300 Lumens - Powered by 1xAA Battery - 2 Brightness levels, StrobeThis is the SILVER VERSION. For BLACK VERSION click here.Adjustable focus range for different usage type, stretching to adjust its focus, water-resistant, can be used ..
Stock Status: Out Of Stock
Convoy S2+ Gray LED Flashlight, 940 Lumens, 1x18650 (White Output)- Powered by 1x18650 Li-ion rechargeable battery or 2xCR123A (not included)- Premium XML2 U2 1B LED with White Output, 7135x6 with 2800mA current producing 940 LumensFeatures: - LED: Premium CREE XML2 U2 1B ..
Stock Status: Out Of Stock
Convoy S2+ Green LED Flashlight, 1000 Lumens, 1x18650 (White Output)- Powered by 1x18650 Li-ion rechargeable battery or 2xCR123A (not included)- Hard box Gift box packing and Premium Lanyard included (Please refer images for packing)- Premium XML2 U2 1A LED with White Outp..
Stock Status: Out Of Stock
Convoy S2+ Red LED Flashlight, 1000 Lumens, 1x18650 (Warm White Output)- Powered by 1x18650 Li-ion rechargeable battery or 2xCR123A (not included)- Hard box Gift box packing (Please refer images for packing)- Premium XML2 T6 4C LED with Warm White Output, 7135x8 with ..
Stock Status: Out Of Stock
Convoy S2+ UV LED Flashlight, 1x18650 - Powered by 1x18650 Li-ion rechargeable battery or 2xCR123A (not included)- Premium Nichia UV LED with High quality Circuit with 700mA currentFeatures: - LED: Nichia UV LED with 365nm- Powered by 1x18650 Li-ion Rechargeable Battery or ..